What's Up! Wells County

Monday, April 8, 2013

Join Ossian Psi Otes April 11
Ossian Psi Otes will be meeting in the newly remodeled Ossian Library on April 11 at 6:30 p.m. President Karen Gerbers and members hope this will make it more convenient for community members to attend. Present members need to bring a covered dish and a shoe to tell a short story. Volunteer hours need to be turned in.
The March meeting was held in the home of Carolyn Furey Johnson. Jeani Klaus was a co-host. She taught the members how to reuse T-shirts to make scarves. Her friend, Kim, helped to teach the class. It was our 67th anniversary party!
Those looking to support the fine arts, literature and speech in our community, should attend a meeting on the second Thursday of the month at 6:30 at the Ossian Library. 

Swiss Village 5K Run/Walk & Senior 1 Mile Walk April 13
Swiss Village will be host a 5k Run/Walk and Senior One Mile Walk Saturday, April 13 at 9 a.m. Visit Swiss Village’s website at www.swissvillage.org for more details, registration materials, and course map. 
The first 100 registrations will receive a drawstring backpack. This race is part of the Adams County 5k Run/Walk Challenge. 
Unique awards will be awarded to the top three finishers per age group, gender, and overall female and male winners. The race will take place at the Arthur and Gloria Muselman Wellness Pavilion located at 1201 Emmental Drive in Berne. 
Registration materials may also be picked up at the MuselemanWellness Pavilion Front Desk or Swiss Village Front Desk. Call 260-589-4496.

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