Bargain Hut has Winter ClothingThe Bargain Hut in Bluffton currently has an abundance of winter coats and winter clothing for adults and children. The business is located at 120 W. Spring Street, Bluffton.
JLCrew/YA After Hours Pizza Party Sept. 16The JL Crew/YA After Hours Pizza Party will be held Friday, Sept. 16, from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at the Wells County Public Library for students in fourth through 12th grade. Come and play games and eat pizza. Those attending need a signed permission slip to attend.
Call 824-1612 for more information
BHS Class 1942 reunion Sept. 17Members of the Bluffton High School Class of 1942 will hold a reunion Saturday, Sept. 17, at the Corner Depot in Bluffton.
The group will meet at 11 a.m. Lunch will be held at noon.
Anyone who knows a class member is also welcome to attend the event. For more information call 260-824-1868.
Amateur Radio Club Testing Session Sept. 17On Saturday, Sept. 17, members of the Wells County Amateur Radio Club will conduct a testing session for new hams and upgraders.
The session will be held at the Annex Building at 223 W. Washington Street in the EMA office from 9 a.m. to noon. Walk-in applicants will be accepted. There is a $15 testing fee.
Those attending should have two forms of ID: a driver's license and social security numbers.
For more information call Rick Velasquez at 765-348-9322, 260-824-6433 or
Plant Sale at Berne Sept. 17Members of the Berne Garden Club will be host a plant sale at the dasMarit Farmers and Artists
Market Saturday, Sept. 17. The local club will have dried goods, perennials, house plants, wreaths, decorative arrangements and containers for sale.
Stop by the dasMarit Market from 9 a.m. to noon at the corner of U.S. 27 and Ind. 218 to purchase these items and other crafts, produce, and plants from area farmers and artists.
For more information about the dasMarit Farmers & Artists Market, call 849-0894.
Gospel Sing-Along Sept. 18A Gospel sing-along will be held Sundady, Sept. 18, at 5:30 p.m. at the Ossian Church of the Nazarene at 302 N. Metts Street, Ossian. The public is welcome to attend the event.
FW trolley tour to art galleries and FWMA Sept. 22This year’s trolley tour of Fort Wayne art galleries will be held on Thursday, Sept. 22, form 5:30 to 10 p.m.
A pre-trolley tour party will be held at the Orchard Gallery at 4:30 p.m., and an after party will be held at the Fort Wayne Museum of Art from 10 to 11 p.m. Cost is $25 ($20 for FWMA members). A passport will allow entry to both pre and after parties.
A trolley will transport visitors between the galleries where a variety of refreshments will be available.
For reservations call 260-422-6467 or go to