What's Up! Wells County

Thursday, January 30, 2014

What's Up! Thursday, Jan. 30, 2014

Ouabache State Park to offer Master Naturalist Class
Those interested in learning more about nature in an indoor/outdoor hands-on setting at a State Park can participate in the Master Naturalist Program.
The Friends of Ouabache State Park, Ouabache State Park and Wells County Purdue Extension are hosting an Indiana Master Naturalist class at Ouabache State Park from March 5 through May 7 on Wednesday evenings from 6-9:30 p.m.  
The Indiana Master Naturalist Program (IMNP) is an educational/volunteer program developed by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources and Purdue University Extension to provide Hoosier’s who love experiencing and then sharing nature with others by learning through hands-on educational opportunities.
 The mission of the IMNP is to bring together natural resources specialists with adult learners to foster an understanding of Indiana’s plants, water, soils and wildlife and to promote volunteer service in local communities.
 Myra Myrtle, president of the Friends of Ouabache State Park, indicated that she hopes graduated participants will choose to use their newly learned skills as volunteers for the Park and the Friends group.
 The class size will be limited to 30 students and the fee for the class is $75.  Registrations will be due by Feb. 11. 
To get a registration or to learn more about the program, contact Jody Heaston, State Parks and Reservoirs volunteer coordinator, at jheaston@dnr.in.gov or 260-437-8650 or visit Ouabache State Park. 

The standard park entrance fee will be waived for students during class times.

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